Stirling GP provides patient focused healthcare and a return to family medicine, now with extended opening hours!

Test Results

Waiting for test results can be stressful, here's how we get results to you as soon as possible

General Results

Stirling GP's practice policy is to have an appointment with the doctor for all results.

While our clinic will always endeavour to notify you when your results are ready and available to discuss, we highly recommend booking a follow up results appointment with reception before you leave.

At the end of your doctor's appointment, reception will guide you to book a follow up results appointment in advance to discuss your results. The clinic will contact you where results have been reported as 'Urgent'.

If you haven’t heard about your results, please contact our clinic to discuss and arrange an appointment.

Blood Tests

Depending on the blood test results are usually available within 24 hours of bloods being sent to pathology. Specialised blood tests can take up to 7 days and COVID can impact processing times.

It is recommended that you book within 7 days of having bloods taken to discuss your results with your GP.


Radiology results will usually be received within 24 – 48 hours of your appointment with your radiology provider. We recommend that you book the day following your imaging.