Stirling GP provides patient focused healthcare and a return to family medicine. Please see our Christmas opening hours!

COVID-19 Information

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the way health services are delivered. Here's what you need to know!

If you are feeling unwell with COVID symptoms,
please DO NOT ENTER the practice without calling first

COVID has caused a significant disruption in the provision of health services. As a health service we must abide by the health advice and direction from the Government. While we may be limited in some of the services we can provide, Stirling GP is here for you and cares about your health.

I have a cough or cold, what should I do?

Due to the current restrictions we kindly request that you arrange a phone consult in the first instance. Negative PCR within 24 hours may be required for face-to-face appointments – this is to ensure the safety of other patients and our staff. Appointments will ultimately be at the discretion of your GP and you may be asked to do a Rapid Antigen Test immediately prior to your appointment.

I am not vaccinated

While our clinic adopts a pro-vaccine stance, we appreciate everyone has a right to decline vaccination, we are also bound by a duty to protect our staff and vulnerable patients who may have significant health issues. We kindly request that you discuss with our clinic options for your appointments and health needs.

I am a COVID contact but do not have symptoms

Please notify our staff to discuss, recommendations are constantly changing and we must respond with the best advice at any given time.